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Saturday, August 6, 2011


Please note that, this tutorial is applicable only if you have pieces and bits of knowledge about Fruity loops Studio(FL Studio)

Karaoke as we all know is just a few minutes from here. You download one midi file and play in your Winamp or any media player, but then you got a ticking Nokia 1100 ringtone like sound. What wrong with that? Why don't we get that full orchestra sound? Why only a fake music with midi? Well, first thing is that, you are not crazy and your midi file ain't corrupt either. Its because, that file is not meant to be played in any PC Media player. As its long form interpret, its a musical instrumentation digital interface and meant to be played only in Synthesizer like Keyboards. Now the big question is, "Is there anyway to play the midi file like a wave file without the external aid of synth? i don't have a synth which cost at least tens of thousands of bucks."

The answer is a big YES, with few tips and tricks. Read on!

The following tips is very useful especially if you want to create a karaoke for business(known as Soundtrack in Mizo English; which is of course ridiculous ahem). This tutorial will guide you how you can change a readymade midi file into a
wave file. Most popular songs are available in midi format these days in the web whose sizes are quite microscopic( 40 -100kb only). So, go to and type and download it. Now, if you play this file, as stated earlier the sound is like that produced by a Nokia 1100 ringtone and need to be moulded.

Secondly open a Fruity loops software.(FL Studio) and then click File>>Import>>Midi File as shown in the screenshot below.

A dialog box will appear like this

Now, open your midi file and you will be asked to import the data like this.


Click Accept.

Now, you will see that all of the tracks are listed in the Channel layers.

Here comes the trick. Note that, it is not possible to play your file yet. Because you can see the plugins are empty. Then

look carefully at each layers. You will see the name of the instruments used by the midi developer.

In my example, its guitars, bass and drums only. So what do i do next? Read on

In my first layer, I have a distortion guitar. For this, you may use a Fl Slayer plugins(Remember that for the BEST quality guitar sound, play it through your line-in jack of your PC).
Go to the Plugins preset>>Generators>>Fl Slayer>> DIST Rock . Right click, then Send to selected Channel as shown below.

You will see that, the Channel layer name is changed to the plugins and no longer the original midi one.
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Repeat the steps for each layer. Note that, for each and every instrument you will always get a similar sound> Not only in

the plugins but if you have a soundfonts installed, then its better. This is because, from my experience soundfonts player consume less RAM than Plugins.

ONce you've done importing, you make insert effects and keep on editing until the sound comes very similar with the original SOUND OF THAT artist and then play. You will now hear a fully loaded sound and save it as .mp3.(You don't need a tutorial for that... right?)

Thats it, create your own karaoke in wave as if it is totally created by you. Hehe.

Endnotes: Please keep visiting my blog CAUSE I'm gonna show you how to insert a real drums in FL Studio. Thank you.