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Friday, September 5, 2008

What is Love???

Through ages till eternity..there has been an endless description and explanation for this four lettered word (noun, verb, adjective etc etc. not the one which most ppl would expect)
I am not trying to give one satisfactory or adequate meaning of this word which drive men crazy or sane.. Whatever from my own experience I would like to share some qualities and characteristics of this powerful and captivating word.
First of all, let me put it clearly that I am not a philosopher nor a student in literature; well quite on the contrary I am a technical geek..So my ideology and views are based on my field though I have a cool interest in theology which one might find it quite close to philosophy. :)
Love!! Well depending on the person whom you ask it might differ in its meaning, but then for a start let me phrase it this way..
Originally there are four kinds of love or to be more precise four ways in which love can be expressed:
1. Love of God: The Greeks called it Agape, and fortunately this is the only real love that exists practically. Well, the love of God is unconditional and cannot perish. Its the only love that sets us free from all sins and wrongdoings. He loves us so much that He gave up his own life for us to be free and have eternal life.. However, though I'm a keen believer, I'd like to share some of my misunderstandings. If God's love is unconditional and everlasting, then why did he create Hell in the first place? If we go into the deep meaning of Hell(call it Hades, Gehenneh, its all the same) its a place of never ending torture for the wicked and the sinful, like the citizen of Sodom & Gomorrah??
Maybe I do not understand the eternal purpose of the Almighty, yet thinking in a human way, I do not see so great and colorful in God's love so long as the Lake of Fire exists. To, me unconditional and everlasting love should not contain punishment at all.

2. Love between the sexes: Called as Eros in Greek, its the love that exists between a man and a woman. Perhaps this is one of the most common form which most people of my age group might experienced. How do you define Eros? Well, its a natural tendency for every man or woman to have a longing and care for the opposite sex. Honestly, I do not believe in 'Love at First Sight' (maybe because I haven't experienced that yet) but I do believe in Lust at First Sight. Well, the most obvious reason for love between the opposite sex in the first place is lust. However, if that lust is in a controlled and maintained well, then it usually developed into love. the real one. Sometime, it may be due to wealth and high regards for the personality of the one whom you adored. Nevertheless, eros in any case are, most of the times short lived if not maintained properly.
3. Love from parents to their offspring : I really cannot understand this love which I get without any demand at all. Maybe I am unable to understand it as I still do not have any child at all of my own. Yes, every mommas and papas loved their kids just the way they are and never grumble over their deeds. Even, if the child is that bad and evil, yet the parents always tried to overlooks the shortcomings and misdeeds. Why?? I am still unable to understand this one, and really bedazzled. So is this the real true love?

4. Love between friends: In many legends, folklore and even real life history there are circumstances when a friend gave up his life for another friend. Well, this kind of love is really touching and personally in my opinion love that requires losing one life is the real love. However, this kind of love exists only between true friends and not to all, so I will stop here.

Whatever may be the form of love, to sum up, love is a feeling that makes you give the most precious belonging in your life, your very own life.
Yes, God's love is so much that he gave up his own life. If a man truly loves a woman, he should be able to lose his own life to safe the life of his love, so are the parents and between friends.
Coming back to unconditional love!!
To say the truth..practically, in real life..this does not exist at all, be it God, spouse, friends or parents. However common the word may be, so far I have not come across this one. One way or the other, love always have a demand in return. God's love demand us to love Him back, so is between the sexes, parents and friends.